Loffroy, Romaric
Ronot, Maxime
Greget, Michel
Bouvier, Antoine
Mastier, Charles
Sengel, Christian
Tselikas, Lambros
Arnold, Dirk
Maleux, Geert
Pelage, Jean-Pierre
Pellerin, Olivier
Peynircioglu, Bora
Sangro, Bruno
Schaefer, Niklaus
Urdániz, María
Kaufmann, Nathalie
Bilbao, José Ignacio
Helmberger, Thomas
Vilgrain, Valérie
Piana, Gilles
Frandon, Julien
Tasu, Jean-Pierre
Kobeiter, Hicham
Clinical trials referenced in this document:
Documents that mention this clinical trial
Short-term Safety and Quality of Life Outcomes Following Radioembolization in Primary and Secondary Liver Tumours: a Multi-centre Analysis of 200 Patients in France
Funding for this research was provided by:
SIRTEX Medical Europe GmbH (Research grant)
Article History
Received: 16 July 2020
Accepted: 2 September 2020
First Online: 25 September 2020
Compliance with Ethical Standards
: RL, MG reported consultancy to SIRTEX Medical; LT received speaker fees from SIRTEX Medical and fees from Boston Scientific, Amgen, Ipsen and GE healthcare as well as grants from BMS and Terumo Medical; DA received consulting fees and speaker honoraria from Terumo, Boston Scientific, SIRTEX Medical and Biocompatibles; GM and JIB reported to act as proctor and speaker for SIRTEX; J-PP was speaker at the SIRTEX symposium and investigator of SIRFLOX and SARAH studies, consultant for Merit Medical, Terumo and Guerbet and received research grants from Guerbet and Merit Medical; BP reported occasional proctor activities for SIRTEX Medical; BS received lecture and/or consulting fees from Adaptimmune, Bayer, BMS, BTG, Eisai, Ipsen, Lilly, Roche and Sirtex, research fees from BMS and SIRTEX Medical. VV received speaker fees from SIRTEX Medical, Supersonic Imagine, Canon, as well as grants from Guerbet. MR, AB, CM, CS, OP, NS, MU, NK, TH declared no conflict of interest. All authors report no conflict of interest directly related to the submitted work.
: All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.
: Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study.
: For this type of study, consent for publication is not required. However, consent for publication was obtained for every individual person’s data included in the study.