García-Villanueva, Sara
Domínguez-Gil González, Marta
Gayete Martínez, Jorge
Muñoz Bellido, Juan Luis
Salas Valien, José Santos
Echevarria Iturbe, Celina
González Sagrado, Manuel
Jiménez Pérez, José María
Curiel de Arcaute López, Aitor
Rojo Rello, Silvia
Eiros Bouza, José María
Ortiz de Lejarazu Leonardo, Raúl
This article is maintained by: Elsevier
Article Title: Comparative study of the prevalence of the human papilloma virus in Spanish and foreign women participating in a population screening programme in Castilla y León
Journal Title: Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiologia clinica (English ed.)
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Content Type: article
Copyright: © 2018 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. All rights reserved.