Giner Galvañ, V.
Bonig Trigueros, I.
Fácila Rubio, L.
Morillas Blasco, P.
Martínez Hervás, S.
Pascual Fuster, V.
Valls Roca, F.
Soler Portmann, C.
Tamarit García, J.J.
Pallarés Carratalá, V.
Cepeda Rodrigo, José María
Cosín Sales, Juan
Durá Belinchón, Rafael
Gómez Segado, Enrique
Monleón Arenós, Saray
Morillas Ariño, Carlos
Rodilla Sala, Enrique
Rovira Daudí, Eduardo
Vicente Navarro, David
Funding for this research was provided by:
Merck Sharp & Dohme Española S.A.
This article is maintained by: Elsevier
Article Title: Have the Government's prescription algorithm and the 2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines for managing dyslipidemia influenced the management of dyslipidemia? The MEJORALO-CV Project
Journal Title: Revista Clínica Española (English Edition)
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