Zhou, Sizhe
Ge, Suyu
Shen, Jiaming
Han, Jiawei
Chapter History
First Online: 18 September 2023
Ethical Statement
: To the best of our knowledge, there is no specific ethical concern for the methodology of <scp>RClus</scp>. However, since <scp>RClus</scp> is dependent on external entity typing tools, pre-trained language models and also the given corpus, potential errors or bias should be given appropriate awareness and be taken good care of.
Conference Information
Conference Acronym: ECML PKDD
Conference Name: Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Conference City: Turin
Conference Country: Italy
Conference Year: 2023
Conference Start Date: 18 September 2023
Conference End Date: 22 September 2023
Conference Number: 23
Conference ID: ecml2023
Conference URL: https://2023.ecmlpkdd.org/
Peer Review Information (provided by the conference organizers)
Type: Double-blind
Conference Management System: CMT
Number of Submissions Sent for Review: 829
Number of Full Papers Accepted: 196
Number of Short Papers Accepted: 0
Acceptance Rate of Full Papers: 24% - The value is computed by the equation "Number of Full Papers Accepted / Number of Submissions Sent for Review * 100" and then rounded to a whole number.
Average Number of Reviews per Paper: 3.63
Average Number of Papers per Reviewer: 4.5
External Reviewers Involved: Yes
Additional Info on Review Process: Applied Data Science Track: 239 submissions, 58 accepted papers; Demo Track: 31 submissions, 16 accepted papers.