Nguyen, Vu Thanh
Hien, Vu Thanh
Tuan, Le Dinh
Tiep, Mai Viet
Anh, Nguyen Hoang
Vuong, Pham Thi
Chapter History
First Online: 19 November 2020
Conference Information
Conference Acronym: FDSE
Conference Name: International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering
Conference City: Quy Nhon
Conference Country: Vietnam
Conference Year: 2020
Conference Start Date: 25 November 2020
Conference End Date: 27 November 2020
Conference Number: 7
Conference ID: fdse2020
Conference URL:
Peer Review Information (provided by the conference organizers)
Type: Single-blind
Conference Management System: EasyChair
Number of Submissions Sent for Review: 161
Number of Full Papers Accepted: 53
Number of Short Papers Accepted: 8
Acceptance Rate of Full Papers: 33% - The value is computed by the equation "Number of Full Papers Accepted / Number of Submissions Sent for Review * 100" and then rounded to a whole number.
Average Number of Reviews per Paper: 3
Average Number of Papers per Reviewer: 5.5
External Reviewers Involved: Yes
Additional Info on Review Process: 5.5 avg. reviewers/paper (for two submission rounds in total). LNCS 12466 includes 24 of the accepted papers and 2 invited keynotes. CCIS 1306 includes 29 full and 8 short of the accepted papers. The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.