Vlassara, Helen
Cai, Weijing
Tripp, Elizabeth
Pyzik, Renata
Yee, Kalle
Goldberg, Laurie
Tansman, Laurie
Chen, Xue
Mani, Venkatesh
Fayad, Zahi A.
Nadkarni, Girish N.
Striker, Gary E.
He, John C.
Uribarri, Jaime
Funding for this research was provided by:
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (091231)
Article History
Received: 10 May 2016
Accepted: 14 June 2016
First Online: 29 July 2016
: This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (grant DK091231 to HV) and by the National Institute of Research Resources (grant MO1-RR-00071 to the General Clinical Research Center at Mount Sinai School of Medicine) for clinical and statistical support.
: The authors declare that there is no duality of interest associated with this manuscript.
: HV designed the study, interpreted the data, and wrote, reviewed and edited the manuscript. WC participated in the experimental design, the acquisition and interpretation of data, and reviewed the manuscript. ET, the study dietitian, participated in the design of the dietary protocol and the interpretation of nutritional data, and reviewed the manuscript. RP, the study coordinator, participated in the design of the clinical protocol and the acquisition and interpretation of clinical data, and reviewed the manuscript. KY, the study coordinator, participated in the design of the clinical protocol and the acquisition of clinical data, and reviewed manuscript. LG, the study dietitian, participated in the design of the dietary protocol and the acquisition of nutritional data, and reviewed and edited the manuscript. LT, a study dietitian, participated in the design of the dietary protocol and the acquisition and interpretation of nutritional data, and reviewed and edited the manuscript. XC participated in the experimental design and the acquisition of data, and reviewed and edited the manuscript. VM participated in the study design and performance and in the interpretation of data from MRI studies, and edited the final manuscript. ZAF participated in the original study design and performance and in the interpretation of data from MRI studies, and edited the final manuscript. GN participated in the study design and in all the statistical analyses, and reviewed and edited the manuscript. GES participated in the study design and interpretation of data, and reviewed and edited the manuscript. JCH participated in the study design and interpretation of data and reviewed the final manuscript. JU participated in the design of the study, the acquisition and interpretation of data and in the statistical analyses, and reviewed and edited the manuscript. JU and HV are the guarantors of this work. All authors have revised the final updated version of the manuscript.
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