Beaudart, Charlotte
Sharma, Mitali
Clark, Patricia
Fujiwara, Saeko
Adachi, Jonathan D.
Messina, Osvaldo D.
Morin, Suzanne N.
Kohlmeier, Lynn A.
Sangan, Caroline B.
Nogues, Xavier
Cruz-Priego, Griselda Adriana
Cavallo, Andrea
Cooper, Fiona
Grier, Jamie
Leckie, Carolyn
Montiel-Ojeda, Diana
Papaioannou, Alexandra
Raskin, Nele
Yurquina, Leonardo
Wall, Michelle
Bruyère, Olivier
Boonen, Annelies
Dennison, Elaine
Harvey, Nicholas C.
Kanis, John A.
Kaux, Jean-François
Lewiecki, E. Michael
Lopez-Borbon, Oscar
Paskins, Zoé
Reginster, Jean-Yves
Silverman, Stuart
Hiligsmann, Mickaël
Funding for this research was provided by:
Article History
Received: 24 August 2023
Accepted: 18 October 2023
First Online: 13 November 2023
: This entire study was subject to an initial central IRB (US: Advarra for California and New Mexico) and then local IRB (country and institution specific) review and approval (if and when required by applicable law). Informed consent was obtained for all phases of the project. All subjects received either a patient information sheet or informed consent, depending on the local IRB of the site. Subjects were informed of their ability to withdraw at any time by the co-ordinator and by the patient information sheet or informed consent.
: John A. Kanis is the founder of FRAX®; Zoé Paskins has sat on an advisory board for UCB Pharma about risk communication; E. Michael Lewiecki is an Amgen investigator, consultant, and speaker as well as a Radius investigator and consultant; Lynn A. Kohlmeier is an Amgen speaker as well as a Radius consultant and speaker. Charlotte Beaudart, Mitali Sharma, Patricia Clark, Saeko Fujiwara, Jonathan D. Adachi, Osvaldo D. Messina, Suzanne N. Morin, Caroline B. Sangan, Xavier Nogues, Griselda Adriana Cruz Priego, Andrea Cavallo, Fiona Cooper, Jamie Grier, Carolyn Leckie, Diana Montiel-Ojeda, Alexandra Papaioannou, Nele Raskin, Leonardo Yurquina, Michelle Wall, Olivier Bruyère, Annelies Boonen, Elaine Dennison, Nicholas C. Harvey, Jean-François Kaux, Oscar Lopez-Borbon, Jean-Yves Reginster, Stuart Silverman, and Mickaël Hiligsmann all declare that they have no conflict of interest with regard to the content of this manuscript.