Cuocolo, Renato
Stanzione, Arnaldo
Faletti, Riccardo
Gatti, Marco
Calleris, Giorgio
Fornari, Alberto
Gentile, Francesco
Motta, Aurelio
Dell’Aversana, Serena
Creta, Massimiliano
Longo, Nicola
Gontero, Paolo
Cirillo, Stefano
Fonio, Paolo
Imbriaco, Massimo
Funding for this research was provided by:
Università degli Studi di Torino
Article History
Received: 22 October 2020
Revised: 23 January 2021
Accepted: 9 March 2021
First Online: 1 April 2021
Compliance with ethical standards
: The scientific guarantors of this publication are Prof. Massimo Imbriaco and Prof. Paolo Fonio, chiefs of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at the University of Naples and Turin, respectively.
: The authors of this manuscript declare no relationships with any companies, whose products or services may be related to the subject matter of the article.
: Dr. Renato Cuocolo, one of the authors, kindly provided statistical advice for this manuscript.
: The respective Local Institutional Review Board for each Institution approved this retrospective study and waived the need for written informed consent.