Carmignani, Ilaria
Locatello, Luca Giovanni
Desideri, Isacco
Bonomo, Pierluigi
Olmetto, Emanuela
Livi, Lorenzo
Le Saec, Odile
Coscarelli, Salvatore
Mannelli, Giuditta
Article History
Received: 5 April 2018
Accepted: 2 July 2018
First Online: 5 July 2018
Compliance with Ethical Standards
: Each author has participated actively in designing and writing this article: Giuditta Mannelli is the main creator of the work and critically discussed the final manuscript. Ilaria Carmignani assisted in conception of the study, which gave her important help by providing patient questionnaires and subjecting patients in the study group to speech therapy sessions; Luca Giovanni Locatello assisted in data collection, manuscript preparation, discussion, and statistical analysis; Odile Le Saec helped with the speech therapy sessions; Isacco Desideri, Pierluigi Bonomo, Emanuela Olmetto, and Lorenzo Livi assisted in following patients during the radiotherapy treatment; Salvatore Coscarelli assisted in reviewing the manuscript and gave his final approval for this version of the manuscript.