Ungewiss, Judith
Kübler, Thomas
Sippel, Katrin
Aehling, Kathrin
Heister, Martin
Rosenstiel, Wolfgang
Kasneci, Enkelejda
Papageorgiou, Eleni http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1931-4168
Funding for this research was provided by:
Pfizer (PFIZER Pharma GmbH, Berlin)
MSD, MERCK, SHARP & DOHME GmbH, Haar/Germany
Article History
Received: 18 June 2018
Revised: 29 August 2018
Accepted: 18 September 2018
First Online: 24 September 2018
Compliance with ethical standards
: The research study was approved by the Independent Ethics Committee of the University of Tübingen and was performed according to the Declaration of Helsinki. Following verbal and written explanation of the experimental protocol, all patients gave their written consent, with the option of withdrawing from the study at any time.
: Judith Ungewiss declares that she has no conflict of interest.Thomas Kübler declares that he has no conflict of interest.Katrin Sippel declares that she has no conflict of interest.Kathrin Aehling declares that she has no conflict of interest.Martin Heister declares that he has no conflict of interest.Wolfgang Rosenstiel declares that he has no conflict of interest.Enkelejda Kasneci declares that she has no conflict of interest.Eleni Papageorgiou declares that she has no conflict of interest.Katja Nagel declares that she has no conflict of interest.Ulrich Schiefer is a consultant of the HAAG-STREIT Inc., Köniz, Switzerland. He has received personal fees for invited lectures by several pharmaceutical companies, including MSD (MERCK, SHARP & DOHME GmbH), Haar/Germany and PFIZER Pharma GmbH, Berlin, Germany.
: All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study.Clinical Trial Registration: .Unique identifiers: NCT 01372319, NTC01372332