Fiorindi, Alessandro
Vezzoli, Marika
Doglietto, Francesco
Zanin, Luca
Saraceno, Giorgio
Agosti, Edoardo
Barbieri, Antonio
Bellocchi, Silvio
Bernucci, Claudio
Bongetta, Daniele
Cardia, Andrea
Costi, Emanuele
Egidi, Marcello
Fioravanti, Antonio
Gasparotti, Roberto
Giussani, Carlo
Grimod, Gianluca
Latronico, Nicola
Locatelli, Davide
Mardighian, Dikran
Nodari, Giovanni
Poli, Jacopo Carlo
Rasulo, Frank
Roca, Elena
Sicuri, Giovanni Marco
Spena, Giannantonio
Stefini, Roberto
Vivaldi, Oscar
Zoia, Cesare
Calza, Stefano
Fontanella, Marco Maria
Cenzato, Marco
Funding for this research was provided by:
Università degli Studi di Brescia
Article History
Received: 29 June 2021
Accepted: 29 September 2021
First Online: 25 October 2021
: The study was approved by the ethics committee (NP 4192 — SAH-COVID-LOMB). Patients’ consent was obtained at the time of treatment for the use of data for scientific purposes.
: Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study at the time of treatment. The submission does not include images or enough data that may identify the persons, that is why additional informed consent was not obtained.
: The authors declare no competing interests.