Bianco, Vincenzo
Article History
Received: 5 July 2023
Accepted: 20 December 2023
First Online: 28 February 2024
: The author does not have any conflict of interest concerning the topics dealt with in the paper.
: The author is a Civil Structural Engineer, PhD in Structural Engineering. He was former Fixed-Term Part-Time (Junior) Researcher (RTDA in Italian University System) at the Department of Structural Engineering and Geotechnics of the Sapienza University of Rome. He has always tried to combine research and design activity as structural engineer, convinced that they are two essential activities and that they can derive mutual benefit from each other. He is currently taking part in Public Competitions as RTDB (Senior Researcher) and carrying out some design activity (concerning Seismic Rehabilitation of Schools) to financially support himself. The study herein presented originated from the need to clarify the approach to be implemented in deciding which strategy to follow when the main source of inadequacy of existing RC School Buildings are the joints, and how to proceed in compliance to National and European Standards for Constructions. He strongly believes that this paper can be very useful to both practice Structural Engineers who have to deal with such problems every day with absurdly tight deadlines, and to researchers since the study offers several points of reflection and indicates aspects that are worth studying and improving.
: It does not apply, since the presented research did not involve human participants. Moreover, the presented research does not involve the welfare of animals.