Allard, Julien
Bucher, Simon
Massart, Julie
Ferron, Pierre-Jean
Le Guillou, Dounia
Loyant, Roxane
Daniel, Yoann
Launay, Youenn
Buron, Nelly
Begriche, Karima
Borgne-Sanchez, Annie
Fromenty, Bernard
Funding for this research was provided by:
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-16-CE18-0010 MITOXDRUGS)
Horizon 2020 (N°825489)
Article History
Received: 20 March 2020
Accepted: 2 June 2020
First Online: 14 June 2020
Compliance with ethical standards
: J.A., S.B., J.M., P.-J.F., D.L.G., Y.D., Y.L., K.B., and B.F. declare that they have no conflict of interest in relation to this work. N.B. and A.B.-S. are co-founders of MITOLOGICS S.A.S. R.L. is an employee of MITOLOGICS S.A.S.