Funding for this research was provided by:
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at MSU (Study abroad program in Latin America/Caribbean)
Department of Community Sustainability at MSU (CSUS Graduate Office Fellowship GOF)
Graduate School, Michigan State University (Research Enhancement Funds)
Environmental Science and Policy Program (ESPP) MSU (WaterCube initiative)
FAPESP (Processo 2012/51465-0))
Dr. William W and Evelyn Taylor Endowed Fellowship
Academy of Global Engagement
Article History
First Online: 5 April 2018
Compliance with Ethical Standards
: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
: This study was deemed exempt, category 2 research by the Internal Review Board on Human Subjects (IRB No. IRB# ×16-729e) at Michigan State University. Informed consent was used to ensure voluntary participation and confidentiality.