Fuente, R.
Gil-Peña, H.
Claramunt-Taberner, D.
Hernández, O.
Fernández-Iglesias, A.
Alonso-Durán, L.
Rodríguez-Rubio, E.
Santos, F.
Article History
First Online: 27 January 2017
Change Date: 7 November 2017
Change Type: Correction
Change Date: 7 November 2017
Change Type: Correction
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: The authors of the article would like to note an error in the acknowledgements section of this paper.
Change Details: The authors of the article would like to note an error in the acknowledgements section of this paper.
Change Date: 7 November 2017
Change Details: The authors of the article would like to note an error in the acknowledgements section of this paper.
Compliance with ethical standards
: The article did not involve human or animal participation. Therefore, informed consent or IRB approval were not needed.
: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.•The manuscript has not been submitted to more than one journal.•The manuscript has not been published previously.•No data/figures have been fabricated or manipulated.•A single study is not split up into several parts.•No data, text or theories are being plagiarized.•All authors have been informed about the submission of the paper and all have contributed to the article.