Spada, Marco
Porta, Francesco
Righi, Dorico
Gazzera, Carlo
Tandoi, Francesco
Ferrero, Ivana
Fagioli, Franca
Sanchez, Maria Beatriz Herrera
Calvo, Pier Luigi
Biamino, Elisa
Bruno, Stefania
Gunetti, Monica
Contursi, Cristina
Lauritano, Carola
Conio, Alessandra
Amoroso, Antonio
Salizzoni, Mauro
Silengo, Lorenzo
Camussi, Giovanni
Romagnoli, Renato
Article History
First Online: 2 December 2019
Compliance with Ethical Standards
: The study was approved by the Institutional Ethical Committee and the Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco on the favorable opinion of the Italian Istituto Superiore di Sanità .
: This manuscript has been approved by all authors and is solely the work of the authors named.
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests. GC is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Unicyte A.G. MBHS and GC are named as inventor in patents related to the regenerative effects of human liver stem cells.