Lakhal, Karim
Hivert, Antoine
Alexandre, Pierre-Louis
Fresco, Marion
Robert-Edan, Vincent
Rodie-Talbere, Pierre-André
Ambrosi, Xavier
Bourcier, Romain
Rozec, Bertrand
Cadiet, Julien
Article History
Received: 24 May 2021
Accepted: 9 August 2021
First Online: 3 September 2021
Conflicts of interest
: KL has no conflict of interest in connection with the work submitted. In addition, KL received, during the past 3 years, congress registration fees from Sanofi Aventis (once in 2018), travel fees from Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) France (once, in 2017), Gilead Sciences (once, in 2017), pfizer (twice, in 2019 and 2020) and Correvio (twice, in 2020). BR has no conflict of interest in connection with the work submitted. In addition, BR received, during the past 5 years, lecture fees from Fisher&Paykel, Baxter, LFB, Aspen, research grants from Baxter and consulting fees from LFB, Astra Zeneca. None of the other authors has any financial or nonfinancial competing interest in connection with this study.
: This research involving human subjects complied with all relevant national regulations, institutional policies and is in accordance with the tenets of the Helsinki Declaration (as revised in 2013). At our institution, intravenous milrinone has been incorporated into routine care several years ago, a dedicated institutional written procedure guiding its use for moderate/severe vasospasms. In patients who were included prospectively (IV milrinone group), consent to use the data for this observational study was obtained from all participants (patients or their next of kin then the patients themselves if they regained capacity) after oral and written reminding of their rights. For patients included retrospectively (historical control cohort), informed consent was waived. Anonymity was respected. This research has been approved by an independent ethical committee (Comité de Protection des Personnes Sud-Ouest & Outre-Mer III, March 2018, N° 2017-A03347-46, amended in march 2019).
: Ref. NCT 03517670.