Radecka, Anna
Loughlin, Louise
Foy, Mick
de Ferraz Guimaraes, Margarida Viana
Sarinic, Viola Macolic
Di Giusti, Marina Dimov
Lesicar, Marina
Straus, Sabine
Montero, Dolores
Pallos, Julia
Ivanovic, Jelena
Raine, June
Funding for this research was provided by:
Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Grant Agreement No. 20132102)
Article History
First Online: 21 August 2018
Compliance with Ethical Standards
: Ethical approval was not considered necessary for this work.
: The SCOPE Joint Action was funded by the Health Programme of the European Union 2008–2013, with contribution from the involved member states, under Grant Agreement No. 20132102. Full details of the awarding agency, the CHAFEA, can be found atExternalRef removed. The open access fee for this publication was paid by the grant received from CHAFEA.
: Anna Radecka, Louise Loughlin, Mick Foy, Margarida Guimaraes, Viola Macolic Sarinic, Marina Dimov Di Giusti, Marina Lesicar, Sabine Straus, Dolores Montero, Julia Pallos, Jelena Ivanovic, and June Raine have no conflicts of interest that are directly relevant to the content of this article.