Bauchau, Vincent
Bollaerts, Kaatje
Bryan, Phil
Buttery, Jim
Davis, Kourtney
Chen, Robert T.
Feikin, Daniel R.
Fretta, Antonella
Frise, Sarah
Gandhi-Banga, Sonja
Izurieta, Hector S.
Jouquelet-Royer, Corinne
Khromava, Alena
Li, Lin
Long, Raj
MacDonald, Sarah
Marcelon, Lydie
Massouh, Robert
Meeraus, Wilhelmine
Munoz, Flor M.
Naim, Karen
Nordenberg, Dale
Nohynek, Hanna
Rubino, Heather
Salmon, Daniel A.
Sellers, Sarah
Serradell, Laurence
Torcel-Pagnon, Laurence
Wilkins, Jamie
Article History
Accepted: 10 December 2024
First Online: 10 January 2025
: The cost of attending the conference was covered by The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations. This cost included the use of the conference center, including meals, and accommodation (not for industry participants). Travel costs were not covered.
: Vincent Bauchau has been an employee of GSK and received travel support for the conference and owns restricted shares in the GSK group of companies as part of his past employee remuneration. Phil Bryan, Kourtney Davis, Antonella Fretta, Sarah Frise, Sonja Gandhi-Banga, Corinne Jouquelet-Royer, Alena Khromava, Lin Li, Sarah MacDonald, Lydie Marcelon, Robert Massouh, Wilhelmine Meeraus, Karen Naim, Heather Rubino, Sarah Sellers, Laurence Serradell, Laurence Torcel-Pagnon, and Jamie Wilkins are employees of pharmaceutical companies as included in their respective affiliations and each own restricted shares and received travel support for the conference. Kaatje Bollaerts, Jim Buttery, Robert Chen, Daniel R. Feiken, Hector S. Izurieta, Raj Long, and Dale Nordenberg have no competing interests to declare that are relevant to this article. Flor M. Munoz has been a data safety monitoring board member for Pfizer and Meissa, a clinical investigator for studies from Pfizer and Gilead, and an advisory board member for Sanofi, Merck, AstraZeneca, GSK, and Moderna. Hanna Nohnek has contributed to Innovatives Medicine Initiative-funded projects, is the chair of the World Health Organization Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization and a member of the Finish Institute for Health and Welfare National Immunization Technical Advisory Group. Daniel Salmon has received grant support through the stated affiliation from Merck and the Vaccine Confidence Fund and has served as a paid advisory board member for Merck and Moderna.
: These contributions represent the authors’ own best judgement. They do not bind or obligate any institution. The findings and conclusions contained within are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the World Health Organization.
: Not Applicable.
: All authors consented for publication.
: Not Applicable.
: Not applicable.
: Not Applicable.
: All authors contributed to the conceptualization, concept, and design of the manuscript. Content generation and preparation of the first draft was performed by Sonia Banga, Kaatje Bollaerts, Kourtney Davis, Robert Chen, Antonella Fretta, Sarah Frise, Corinne Jouquelet-Royer, Alena Khromava, Sarah MacDonald, Lydie Marcelon, Robert Massouh, Wilhelmine Meeraus, Karen Naim, Dale Nordenberg, Heather Rubino, Sarah Sellers, Laurence Torcel-Pagnon, and Jamie Wilkins. All authors commented on subsequent versions and approved the final manuscript.