Niu, Xiang
Moussawi, Alaa
Korniss, Gyorgy
Szymanski, Boleslaw K.
Funding for this research was provided by:
Army Research Laboratory (Cooperative Agreement Number W911NF-09-2-0053 (the Network Science CTA))
Army Research Laboratory (Cooperative Agreement Number W911NF-09-2-0053 (the Network Science CTA))
Army Research Laboratory (Cooperative Agreement Number W911NF-09-2-0053 (the Network Science CTA))
Army Research Laboratory (Cooperative Agreement Number W911NF-09-2-0053 (the Network Science CTA))
Army Research Office (W911NF-16-1-0524)
Army Research Office (W911NF-16-1-0524)
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (HDTRA1-09-1-0049)
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (HDTRA1-09-1-0049)
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (HDTRA1-09-1-0049)
Article History
Received: 18 February 2018
Accepted: 3 July 2018
First Online: 10 August 2018
Competing interests
: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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