Kabboord, Anouk D. http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5539-6020
Van Eijk, Monica
Buijck, Bianca I.
Koopmans, Raymond T. C. M.
van Balen, Romke
Achterberg, Wilco P.
Funding for this research was provided by:
SVRZ Middelburg
De Zorgboog
Laurens Rotterdam
Article History
Received: 7 November 2017
Accepted: 2 March 2018
First Online: 13 March 2018
Compliance with ethical standards
: All authors declare: no external financial support from any organisation for the submitted work or any other financial relationships with any company or organisation that might have an interest in the submitted work. No relationships or activities have influenced the submitted work, there are no conflicts of interests.
: Patients were included after the researchers received a signed informed consent.
: Inability to give informed consent was one of the exclusion criteria. The medical ethics committee of the region Nijmegen-Arnhem approved the study protocol.