Dayer, Ashley A.
Redford, Kent H.
Campbell, Karl J.
Dickman, Christopher R.
Epanchin-Niell, Rebecca S.
Grosholz, Edwin D.
Hallac, David E.
Leslie, Elaine F.
Richardson, Leslie A.
Schwartz, Mark W.
Funding for this research was provided by:
National Park Service
National Science Foundation (1617309)
Article History
Received: 1 July 2019
Accepted: 7 November 2019
First Online: 1 December 2019
Compliance with ethical standards
: Three of the co-authors (DH, EL, and LR) are employed by the National Park Service. The lead author and other co-authors received travel funding from the National Park Service to attend a worksession that informed this manuscript. One of the co-authors (KR) was also funded to coordinate this project.