Layoun, Michael E.
Yang, Eric H.
Herrmann, Joerg
Iliescu, Cezar A.
Lopez-Mattei, Juan C.
Marmagkiolis, Kostas
Budoff, Matthew J.
Ferencik, Maros
Article History
First Online: 6 May 2019
Compliance with Ethical Standards
: Michael E. Layoun declares that he has no conflict of interest.Eric H. Yang declares that he has no conflict of interest.Joerg Herrmann declares that he has no conflict of interest.Cezar A. Iliescu declares that he has no conflict of interest.Juan C. Lopez-Mattei declares that he has no conflict of interest.Kostas Marmagkiolis declares that he has no conflict of interest.Matthew J. Budoff has received research funding from General Electric.Maros Ferencik has received research funding from the American Heart Association and the National Institutes of Health.
: This article does not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any of the authors.