Mathieson, Stephanie
Maher, Christopher G.
Ferreira, Giovanni E.
Hamilton, Melanie
Jansen, Jesse
McLachlan, Andrew J.
Underwood, Martin
Lin, Chung-Wei Christine
Funding for this research was provided by:
University of Sydney
Article History
First Online: 31 July 2020
Change Date: 29 September 2020
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: Page 9, Fig. 2, which originally appeared as.
: SM and JJ received funding from the Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney, from a Public Health Research Collaboration Scheme to assist in data extraction to the value of $4000.
: SM, GF, MH, JJ report no conflicts of interest. CM is funded by an NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship. He is chief investigator or co-investigator on multiple previous and current research grants from government agencies and charities in Australia and internationally. He has received travel expenses for speaking at conferences from the professional organisations hosting the conferences. He is an investigator on the SHaPED trial which received heat wraps at no cost from Flexeze. AM has received untied research funding from GlaxoSmithKline to the Sydney Pharmacy School for a postgraduate student scholarship under his supervision. MU is chief investigator or co-investigator on multiple previous and current research grants from the UK National Institute for Health Research, Arthritis Research UK and is a co-investigator on grants funded by the Australian NHMRC; he is an NIHR Senior Investigator. MU has received travel expenses for speaking at conferences from the professional organisations hosting the conferences. MU is a director and shareholder of Clinvivo Ltd that provides electronic data collection for health services research and is part of an academic partnership with Serco Ltd related to return to work initiatives. MU is a co-investigator on two NIHR funded studies receiving support in kind from Stryker Ltd. MU has accepted honoraria for teaching/lecturing from CARTA; was an editor of the NIHR journal series, and a member of the NIHR Journal Editors Group, for which he received a fee; and a co-investigator on an NIHR funded trial of opioid withdrawal ISRCTN49470934.
: All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article (and its supplementary information files).
: No ethics approval required.
: Not applicable.
: Not applicable.
: Not applicable.