Article History
First Online: 7 September 2017
Change Date: 18 September 2017
Change Type: Update
Change Date: 7 September 2017
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: A full statement discussing this Editorial and highlighting fundamental flaws has been published by Philip Campbell, Editor-in-Chief of <i>Nature</i> (ExternalRef removed).
Change Details: In its original format, this Editorial wrongly implied that <i>Nature</i> supports retaining statues of historical figures whose work harmed others. This is not the case. We have changed the headline from “Removing statues of historical figures risks whitewashing history” to read “Science must acknowledge its past mistakes and crimes”, and the standfirst from “Science must acknowledge mistakes as it marks its past” to “Injustice in the name of research should not be forgotten — nor should those injured by scientists”. In addition, we have changed the first line of the penultimate paragraph from “Instead of removing painful reminders, perhaps these should be supplemented” to read “In cases where painful reminders are allowed to stand, they could be supplemented”.