Kim, Jimi
McMillan, Elizabeth
Kim, Hyun Seok
Venkateswaran, Niranjan
Makkar, Gurbani
Rodriguez-Canales, Jaime
Villalobos, Pamela
Neggers, Jasper Edgar
Mendiratta, Saurabh
Wei, Shuguang
Landesman, Yosef
Senapedis, William
Baloglu, Erkan
Chow, Chi-Wan B.
Frink, Robin E.
Gao, Boning
Roth, Michael
Minna, John D.
Daelemans, Dirk
Wistuba, Ignacio I.
Posner, Bruce A.
Scaglioni, Pier Paolo
White, Michael A.
Article History
Received: 20 August 2015
Accepted: 17 August 2016
First Online: 28 September 2016
Change Date: 5 October 2016
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: The address details for Karyopharm Therapeutics were corrected.
Competing interests
: The authors declare no competing financial interests.