Xiao, Shuo
Coppeta, Jonathan R.
Rogers, Hunter B.
Isenberg, Brett C.
Zhu, Jie
Olalekan, Susan A.
McKinnon, Kelly E.
Dokic, Danijela
Rashedi, Alexandra S.
Haisenleder, Daniel J.
Malpani, Saurabh S.
Arnold-Murray, Chanel A.
Chen, Kuanwei
Jiang, Mingyang
Bai, Lu
Nguyen, Catherine T.
Zhang, Jiyang
Laronda, Monica M. http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7840-4695
Hope, Thomas J.
Maniar, Kruti P.
Pavone, Mary Ellen
Avram, Michael J.
Sefton, Elizabeth C.
Getsios, Spiro
Burdette, Joanna E.
Kim, J. Julie
Borenstein, Jeffrey T.
Woodruff, Teresa K.
Article History
Received: 3 August 2016
Accepted: 13 January 2017
First Online: 28 March 2017
Change Date: 31 March 2017
Change Type: Update
Change Details: The HTML version of this paper was updated shortly after publication, following a technical error that caused an erroneous file to be displayed as Supplementary Information. This has now been corrected in the HTML; the PDF version of the paper was correct from the time of publication.
Competing interests
: The authors declare no competing financial interests.