Forsberg, Lars A
Rasi, Chiara
Malmqvist, Niklas
Davies, Hanna
Pasupulati, Saichand
Pakalapati, Geeta
Sandgren, Johanna
de Ståhl, Teresita Diaz
Zaghlool, Ammar
Giedraitis, Vilmantas
Lannfelt, Lars
Score, Joannah
Cross, Nicholas C P
Absher, Devin
Janson, Eva Tiensuu
Lindgren, Cecilia M
Morris, Andrew P
Ingelsson, Erik
Lind, Lars
Dumanski, Jan P
Article History
Received: 10 July 2013
Accepted: 3 April 2014
First Online: 28 April 2014
Competing interests
: L.A.F. and J.P.D. have filed for a patent at The Swedish Patent and Registration Office protecting the commercial applications of LOY for the assessment of cancer risk.