Nelson, Matthew R
Tipney, Hannah
Painter, Jeffery L
Shen, Judong
Nicoletti, Paola
Shen, Yufeng
Floratos, Aris
Sham, Pak Chung
Li, Mulin Jun
Wang, Junwen
Cardon, Lon R
Whittaker, John C
Sanseau, Philippe
Article History
Received: 23 September 2014
Accepted: 1 May 2015
First Online: 29 June 2015
Competing interests
: M.R.N., H.T., J.L.P., J.S., L.R.C., J.C.W. and P.S. are employees of GlaxoSmithKline, a global healthcare company, that may conceivably benefit financially through this publication.