Ansari, M Azim
Pedergnana, Vincent
L C Ip, Camilla
Magri, Andrea
Von Delft, Annette
Bonsall, David
Chaturvedi, Nimisha
Bartha, Istvan
Smith, David
Nicholson, George
McVean, Gilean
Trebes, Amy
Piazza, Paolo
Fellay, Jacques
Cooke, Graham
Foster, Graham R
Barnes, Eleanor
Ball, Jonathan
Brainard, Diana
Burgess, Gary
Cooke, Graham
Dillon, John
Foster, Graham R
Gore, Charles
Guha, Neil
Halford, Rachel
Herath, Cham
Holmes, Chris
Howe, Anita
Hudson, Emma
Irving, William
Khakoo, Salim
Klenerman, Paul
Koletzki, Diana
Martin, Natasha
Massetto, Benedetta
Mbisa, Tamyo
McHutchison, John
McKeating, Jane
McLauchlan, John
Miners, Alec
Murray, Andrea
Shaw, Peter
Simmonds, Peter
Spencer, Chris C A
Targett-Adams, Paul
Thomson, Emma
Vickerman, Peter
Zitzmann, Nicole
Hudson, Emma
McLauchlan, John
Simmonds, Peter
Bowden, Rory
Klenerman, Paul
Barnes, Eleanor
Spencer, Chris C A
Article History
Received: 9 August 2016
Accepted: 10 March 2017
First Online: 10 April 2017
Competing interests
: G.R.F. has received grants from, consulted for, has been a speaker at or has been on the advisory board of AbbVie, Alcura, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead, Janssen, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Roche, Springbank, Idenix, Tekmira and Novartis. G.M. is a partner in Peptide Groove LLP, which commercializes the HLA*IMP software used for HLA imputation.