Ritz, Christian http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5095-0624
Astrup, Arne http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8968-8996
Larsen, Thomas M.
Hjorth, Mads F. http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9440-2737
Article History
Received: 28 February 2019
Revised: 26 March 2019
Accepted: 26 March 2019
First Online: 9 April 2019
Compliance with ethical standards
: CR, AA and MFH are co-inventors on a pending provisional patent application for the use of biomarkers to predict responses to weight loss diets. AA is co-inventor of other related patents and patent applications that are owned by UCPH, in accordance with Danish law. AA is consultant or member of the advisory boards of Gelesis Inc., Groupe Ethique et Sante, France; Weight Watchers, United States; BioCare, Copenhagen; Zaluvida, Switzerland; Novo Nordisk, Denmark; Pfizer, New Jersey, USA; and Saniona, Denmark. MFH and AA are co-authors of the book <i>Spis dig slank efter dit blodsukker</i> (<i>Eat according to your blood sugar and be slim</i>), published by Politikens Forlag, Denmark, and of other books about personalized nutrition for weight loss. AA is co-owner and member of the board of the consultancy company Dentacom ApS, Denmark, and cofounder and co-owner of the UCPH spin-off Mobile Fitness A/S and Flax-Slim ApS. MFH and AA are co-founders and co-owners of the UCPH spin-off Personalized Weight Management Research Consortium ApS (ExternalRef removed). TML serves as an advisor for Sense diet program.