Piard, Juliette
Hawkes, Lara
Milh, Mathieu
Villard, Laurent
Borgatti, Renato
Romaniello, Romina
Fradin, Melanie
Capri, Yline
Héron, Delphine
Nougues, Marie-Christine
Nava, Caroline
Arsene, Oana Tarta
Shears, Debbie
Taylor, John
Pagnamenta, Alistair
Taylor, Jenny C
Sogawa, Yoshimi
Johnson, Diana
Firth, Helen
Vasudevan, Pradeep
Jones, Gabriela
Nguyen-Morel, Marie-Ange
Busa, Tiffany
Roubertie, Agathe
van den Born, Myrthe
Brischoux-Boucher, Elise
Koenig, Michel
Mignot, Cyril
Kini, Usha
Philippe, Christophe
Article History
Received: 10 July 2018
Accepted: 3 October 2018
First Online: 25 October 2018
Change Date: 20 February 2019
Change Type: Update
Change Details: The article has been corrected to account for one patient being investigated through genome sequencing rather than exome sequencing as originally published; thus amendments to the abstract and methods have been made as well as addition of the relevant authors and acknowledgement.
: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.