Penter, Livius
Borji, Mehdi
Nagler, Adi
Lyu, Haoxiang
Lu, Wesley S.
Cieri, Nicoletta
Maurer, Katie
Oliveira, Giacomo
Al’Khafaji, Aziz M.
Garimella, Kiran V.
Li, Shuqiang
Neuberg, Donna S.
Ritz, Jerome
Soiffer, Robert J.
Garcia, Jacqueline S.
Livak, Kenneth J.
Wu, Catherine J.
Article History
Received: 11 March 2023
Accepted: 1 December 2023
First Online: 2 January 2024
Competing interests
: A.M.A. and K.V.G. are inventors on a licensed, pending international patent application, having serial number PCT/US2021/037226, filed by Broad Institute of MIT and Havard, Massachusetts General Hospital and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, directed to certain subject matter related to the MAS-seq method used in this manuscript. C.J.W. is an equity holder of BioNTech, Inc. and receives research funding from Pharmacyclics. D.N. received personal fees from Pharmacyclics, served as consultant to the American Society of Hematology Research Collaborative, and has stock ownership in Madrigal Pharmaceuticals. J.R. receives research funding from Kite/Gilead, Oncternal, and Novartis, serves on Scientific Advisory Boards for Akron Biotech, Clade Therapeutics, Garuda Therapeutics, LifeVault Bio, Novartis, Smart Immune, and TScan Therapeutics. J.S.G. reports serving on steering committee and receiving personal fees from AbbVie, Genentech, and Servier and institutional research funds from AbbVie, Genentech, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca. K.J.L. reports equity in Standard BioTools Inc. and serves on scientific advisory board for MBQ Pharma Inc. R.J.S. serves on the Board of Directors for Be the Match/National Marrow Donor Program and DSMB for BMS; reports personal fees from Vor Biopharma, Smart Immune, Daiichi Sankyo Inc, Neovii, Astellas and Jasper. The remaining authors declare no competing interests.