Albert, Louis
Potheegadoo, Jevita
Herbelin, Bruno
Bernasconi, Fosco
Blanke, Olaf
Article History
Received: 1 August 2023
Accepted: 7 February 2024
First Online: 12 March 2024
Competing interests
: A patent application has been submitted (application number EP23154061.8 – Numerosity estimation impairment measurement system), describing a solution for measuring and quantifying an impairment in numerosity estimation in human subjects, based on the methods described in this manuscript, with Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) as patent applicant, and L.A., O.B., F.B., B.H., and J.P. as inventors. O.B. is inventor on patent US 10,286,555 B2 held by the Swiss Federal Institute (EPFL) that covers the robot-controlled induction of presence hallucination. O.B. is inventor on patent US 10,349,899 B2 held by the Swiss Federal Institute (EPFL) that covers a robotic system for the prediction of hallucinations for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. O.B. is co-founder and shareholder of Metaphysiks Engineering SA, a company that develops immersive technologies, including applications of the robotic induction of presence hallucinations that are not related to the diagnosis, prognosis or treatment of Parkinson’s disease. O.B. is a member of the board and shareholder of Mindmaze SA. The authors declare no other competing interests.