Covino, S.
Wiersema, K.
Fan, Y. Z.
Toma, K.
Higgins, A. B.
Melandri, A.
D’Avanzo, P.
Mundell, C. G.
Palazzi, E.
Tanvir, N. R.
Bernardini, M. G.
Branchesi, M.
Brocato, E.
Campana, S.
Alighieri, S. di Serego
Götz, D.
Fynbo, J. P. U.
Gao, W.
Gomboc, A.
Gompertz, B.
Greiner, J.
Hjorth, J.
Jin, Z. P.
Kaper, L.
Klose, S.
Kobayashi, S.
Kopac, D.
Kouveliotou, C.
Levan, A. J.
Mao, J.
Malesani, D.
Pian, E.
Rossi, A.
Salvaterra, R.
Starling, R. L. C.
Steele, I.
Tagliaferri, G.
Troja, E.
Horst, A. J. van der
Wijers, R. A. M. J.
Article History
Received: 12 September 2017
Accepted: 19 September 2017
First Online: 16 October 2017
Change Date: 30 October 2017
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: In the version of this Letter originally published, in the third paragraph of the text Kyutoku et al. were not correctly cited and the sentence should have read: “As pointed out by Kyutoku at al.28, in the case of high optical depth to electron scattering (~1) and assuming spectral lines do not significantly depolarize the global emission, the linear polarization observed from the equatorial plane could be as high as a few per cent.” Also, in the Author contributions section, the final sentence should have read: “C.G.M. contributed to the writing of the paper.”
Competing interests
: The authors declare no competing financial interests.