Korablev, Oleg
Vandaele, Ann Carine
Montmessin, Franck
Fedorova, Anna A.
Trokhimovskiy, Alexander
Forget, François
Lefèvre, Franck
Daerden, Frank
Thomas, Ian R.
Trompet, Loïc
Erwin, Justin T.
Aoki, Shohei
Robert, Séverine
Neary, Lori
Viscardy, Sébastien
Grigoriev, Alexey V.
Ignatiev, Nikolay I.
Shakun, Alexey
Patrakeev, Andrey
Belyaev, Denis A.
Bertaux, Jean-Loup
Olsen, Kevin S.
Baggio, Lucio
Alday, Juan
Ivanov, Yuriy S.
Ristic, Bojan
Mason, Jon
Willame, Yannick
Depiesse, Cédric
Hetey, Laszlo
Berkenbosch, Sophie
Clairquin, Roland
Queirolo, Claudio
Beeckman, Bram
Neefs, Eddy
Patel, Manish R.
Bellucci, Giancarlo
López-Moreno, Jose-Juan
Wilson, Colin F.
Etiope, Giuseppe
Zelenyi, Lev
Svedhem, Håkan
Vago, Jorge L.
Article History
Received: 18 November 2018
Accepted: 14 March 2019
First Online: 10 April 2019
Change Date: 17 April 2019
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: The surname of author Cathy Quantin-Nataf was misspelled ‘Quantin-Nata’, authors Ehouarn Millour and Roland Young were missing from the ACS and NOMAD Science Teams list, and minor changes have been made to the author and affiliation lists; see accompanying Amendment. These errors have been corrected online.
Competing interests
: The authors declare no competing interests.