Garofalo, Michela
Romano, Giulia
Di Leva, Gianpiero
Nuovo, Gerard
Jeon, Young-Jun
Ngankeu, Apollinaire
Sun, Jin
Lovat, Francesca
Alder, Hansjuerg
Condorelli, Gerolama
Engelman, Jeffrey A.
Ono, Mayumi
Rho, Jin Kyung
Cascione, Luciano
Volinia, Stefano
Nephew, Kenneth P.
Croce, Carlo M.
Article History
First Online: 4 October 2022
Change Date: 12 October 2022
Change Type: Update
Change Details: In the version of this notice initially published, Gerald Nuovo was mistakenly listed as an author who did not respond to the journal regarding the retraction; rather, they do not agree with the retraction, as has been amended in the HTML and PDF version of this notice.
Free to read: This content has been made available to all.