Duff, M. J.
Wilson, R.
King, M.
Gonzalez-Izquierdo, B.
Higginson, A.
Williamson, S. D. R.
Davidson, Z. E.
Capdessus, R.
Booth, N.
Hawkes, S.
Neely, D.
Gray, R. J.
McKenna, P.
Funding for this research was provided by:
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/R006202/1, EP/M018091/1, EP/J003832/1, EP/P007082/1, EP/R029148/1, EP/R006202/1, EP/M018091/1, EP/J003832/1, EP/P007082/1, EP/R029148/1, EP/R006202/1, EP/M018091/1, EP/J003832/1, EP/P007082/1, EP/R029148/1, EP/R006202/1, EP/M018091/1, EP/J003832/1, EP/P007082/1, EP/R029148/1, EP/R006202/1, EP/M018091/1, EP/J003832/1, EP/P007082/1, EP/R029148/1, EP/R006202/1, EP/M018091/1, EP/J003832/1, EP/P007082/1, EP/R029148/1, EP/R006202/1, EP/M018091/1, EP/J003832/1, EP/P007082/1, EP/R029148/1, EP/R006202/1, EP/M018091/1, EP/J003832/1, EP/P007082/1, EP/R029148/1, EP/R006202/1, EP/M018091/1, EP/J003832/1, EP/P007082/1, EP/R029148/1, EP/R006202/1, EP/M018091/1, EP/J003832/1, EP/P007082/1, EP/R029148/1, EP/R006202/1, EP/M018091/1, EP/J003832/1, EP/P007082/1, EP/R029148/1)
Article History
Received: 25 September 2019
Accepted: 3 December 2019
First Online: 9 January 2020
Competing interests
: The authors declare no competing interests.