Murphy, Keelin
Habib, Shifa Salman
Zaidi, Syed Mohammad Asad
Khowaja, Saira
Khan, Aamir
Melendez, Jaime
Scholten, Ernst T.
Amad, Farhan
Schalekamp, Steven
Verhagen, Maurits
Philipsen, Rick H. H. M.
Meijers, Annet
van Ginneken, Bram
Article History
Received: 12 March 2019
Accepted: 6 March 2020
First Online: 26 March 2020
Competing interests
: J.M., R.H.H.M.P., A.M. were in the employment of Thirona (developer of CAD4TB software) at the time of manuscript preparation. B.vG receives royalties and funding from Delft Imaging Systems and Mevis Medical Solutions and stock, royalties and funding from Thirona. The other authors report no conflicts.