Menzel, Michael
Ossowski, Stephan
Kral, Sebastian
Metzger, Patrick
Horak, Peter
Marienfeld, Ralf
Boerries, Melanie
Wolter, Steffen
Ball, Markus
Neumann, Olaf
Armeanu-Ebinger, Sorin
Schroeder, Christopher
Matysiak, Uta
Goldschmid, Hannah
Schipperges, Vincent
Fürstberger, Axel
Allgäuer, Michael
Eberhardt, Timo
Niewöhner, Jakob
Blaumeiser, Andreas
Ploeger, Carolin
Haack, Tobias Bernd
Tay, Timothy Kwang Yong
Kelemen, Olga
Pauli, Thomas
Kirchner, Martina
Kluck, Klaus
Ott, Alexander
Renner, Marcus
Admard, Jakob
Gschwind, Axel
Lassmann, Silke
Kestler, Hans
Fend, Falko
Illert, Anna Lena
Werner, Martin
Möller, Peter
Seufferlein, Thomas Theodor Werner
Malek, Nisar
Schirmacher, Peter
Fröhling, Stefan
Kazdal, Daniel
Budczies, Jan
Stenzinger, Albrecht
Article History
Received: 3 April 2023
Accepted: 26 September 2023
First Online: 20 October 2023
Competing interests
: P.H. reports Consulting or Advisory Role: Platomics GmbH, Honoraria: Roche Pharma AG, Trillium GmbH. R.M. reports participation in Advisory Boards of Roche, AstraZenca; research grants from Bristol-Myers-Squibb. C.S. reports an institutional grant from Illumina and research grants from BMS Stiftung Immunonkologie outside the submitted work. M.K.: speaker’s honoraria and travel grants from Veracyte Inc. P.S. reports personal fees for speaker honoraria from Incyte, Roche, Janssen, Novartis, AstraZeneca, Eisai, Leica, grants from Novartis, BMS, AstraZeneca, Illumina, Incyte, and boards from Incyte, Roche, AstraZeneca, BMS, MSD, Amgen, Janssen, Novartis, Bayer, Eisai, outside the submitted work. S.F. reports consulting or advisory board membership: Bayer, Illumina, Roche; honoraria: Amgen, Eli Lilly, PharmaMar, Roche; research funding: AstraZeneca, Pfizer, PharmaMar, Roche; travel or accommodation expenses: Amgen, Eli Lilly, Illumina, PharmaMar, Roche. D.K. reports personal fees for speaker honoraria from AstraZeneca, and Pfizer, personal fees for Advisory Board from Bristol-Myers Squibb, outside the submitted work. S.L. reports research grant from BMS, advisory board/speaker invitation from AstraZeneca, Eli Lily, Roche and Takeda outside of this work. A.I.: speaker’s honoria/ advisory boards Takeda, Roche, Amgen, Janssen, Abbvie, Bayer, Incyte, FiDO outside the submitted work. J.B. reports grants from German Cancer Aid and consulting from MSD, outside the submitted work. A.S. reports grants and personal fees from Bayer, BMS, grants from Chugai and personal fees from Astra Zeneca, MSD, Takeda, Seattle Genetics, Novartis, Illumina, Thermo Fisher, Eli Lily, Takeda, outside the submitted work. A.S. reports participation in Advisory Board/Speaker’s Bureau for Astra Zeneca, AGCT, Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Illumina, Janssen, MSD, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Seattle Genetics, Takeda, and Thermo Fisher, grants from Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Chugai, outside the submitted work. M.M., S.O., S.L., P.M., P.H., M.B., S.W., M.B., O.N., S.A., U.M., H.G., V.S., A.F., M.A., T.E., J.N., A.B., C.P., T.B.H., T.K., O.K., T.P., K.K., A.O., J.A., A.G., S.K., H.K., F.F., A.L., M.W., P.M., T.S., N.M., S.F. report no conflicts of interest.