Chaudhari, Akshay S.
Mittra, Erik
Davidzon, Guido A.
Gulaka, Praveen
Gandhi, Harsh
Brown, Adam
Zhang, Tao
Srinivas, Shyam
Gong, Enhao
Zaharchuk, Greg
Jadvar, Hossein
Article History
Received: 23 May 2020
Accepted: 3 August 2021
First Online: 23 August 2021
Change Date: 14 September 2021
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: A Correction to this paper has been published:
Change Details:
Competing interests
: A.C. is affiliated with Stanford University and Subtle Medical. This work was fully conducted under a consulting relationship for Subtle Medical where A.C. is a shareholder. Activities not related to the present article: consulting services to Skope MR, Culvert Engineering, Edge Analytics, Image Analysis Group, ICM, and Chondrometrics GmbH; and shareholder in LVIS Corp. and Brain Key. E.M. has provided consulting services to Ipsen, Curium, and AAA. G.D. has provided consulting services to Genentech Inc. and receives research support from Kheiron Medical Technologies Inc., Dimensional Mechanics Inc., and GE Healthcare. P.G., H.G., and T.Z. are employees and shareholders of Subtle Medical. A.B. has no disclosures to report. S.S. has provided consulting services to Subtle Medical. Activities not related to the present article: disclosed employment as chief medical officer for approximately one year with Sirtex Medical Inc. E.G. is a cofounder and shareholder of Subtle Medical. G.Z. is a cofounder and shareholder of Subtle Medical. Activities not related to the present article: institutional grant from GE Healthcare. H.J. has received research support from Subtle Medical. Intellectual property: E.G. and G.Z. are coinventors of the following patent “Dose Reduction For Medical Imaging Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks”, with specific details below: Application Number: PCT/US2018/029103 Publication Number: WO/2018/200493 Applicant: The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University Inventors: Greg Zaharchuk, John M. Pauly and Enhao Gong Aspect Covered: The technology described in this patent was used to perform the low-dose PET-image enhancement described in this paper.