Cullen, Nicholas C.
Leuzy, Antoine
Palmqvist, Sebastian
Janelidze, Shorena
Stomrud, Erik
Pesini, Pedro
Sarasa, Leticia
Allué, José Antonio
Proctor, Nicholas K.
Zetterberg, Henrik
Dage, Jeffrey L.
Blennow, Kaj
Mattsson-Carlgren, Niklas
Hansson, Oskar
Funding for this research was provided by:
Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse
Article History
Received: 10 July 2020
Accepted: 30 October 2020
First Online: 30 November 2020
Competing interests
: N.C.C., A.L., S.P., S.J. and N.M.-C. declare no competing interests. P.P., L.S. and J.A.A. are current employees of Araclon Biotech. N.K.P. and J.L.D. are employees and stockholders of Eli Lilly and Company. H.Z. has served on scientific advisory boards for Denali, Roche Diagnostics, Wave, Samumed, Siemens Healthineers, Pinteon Therapeutics and CogRx and has delivered lectures in symposia sponsored by Fujirebio, AlzeCure and Biogen. K.B. has served as a consultant on advisory boards or data monitoring committees for Abcam, Axon, Biogen, JOMDD/Shimadzu, Julius Clinical, Lilly, MagQu, Novartis, Roche Diagnostics and Siemens Healthineers and is a co-founder of Brain Biomarker Solutions in Gothenburg, which is a part of the GU Ventures Incubator Program. O.H. has acquired research support (for the institution) from Roche, Pfizer, GE Healthcare, Biogen, Eli Lilly and AVID Radiopharmaceuticals. In the past 2 years, he has received consultancy/speaker fees (paid to the institution) from Biogen and Roche. E.S. has no competing interests.