Gaedigk, Andrea
Freeman, Natalie
Hartshorne, Toinette
Riffel, Amanda K.
Irwin, David
Bishop, Jeffrey R.
Stein, Mark A.
Newcorn, Jeffrey H.
Jaime, Lazara Karelia Montané
Cherner, Mariana
Leeder, J. Steven
Article History
Received: 7 October 2014
Accepted: 26 February 2015
First Online: 19 March 2015
Competing interests
: The following potential competing interest is disclosed: Assays utilized and evaluated are manufactured and sold by Thermo Fisher Scientific. One of the authors (T.H.) is employed by Thermo Fisher. The alternate assay was made available to A.G., N.F. and J.R.B. at no cost.