Wu, Rong-Rong
Bao, Li-Fu
Hu, Feng-Xia
Wu, Hui
Huang, Qing-Zhen
Wang, Jing
Dong, Xiao-Li
Li, Guan-Nan
Sun, Ji-Rong
Shen, Fei-Ran
Zhao, Tong-Yun
Zheng, Xin-Qi
Wang, Li-Chen
Liu, Yao
Zuo, Wen-Liang
Zhao, Ying-Ying
Zhang, Ming
Wang, Xian-Cheng
Jin, Chang-Qing
Rao, Guang-Hui
Han, Xiu-Feng
Shen, Bao-Gen
Article History
Received: 8 February 2015
Accepted: 10 November 2015
First Online: 17 December 2015
Change Date: 29 March 2016
Change Type: Update
Change Details: A correction has been published and is appended to both the HTML and PDF versions of this paper. The error has not been fixed in the paper.
Competing interests
: The authors declare no competing financial interests.