Kiilerich, Kat F.
Lorenz, Joe
Scharff, Malthe B.
Speth, Nikolaj
Brandt, Tobias G.
Czurylo, Julia
Xiong, Mengfei
Jessen, Naja S.
Casado-Sainz, Agata
Shalgunov, Vladimir
Kjaerby, Celia
Satała, Grzegorz
Bojarski, Andrzej J.
Jensen, Anders A.
Herth, Matthias M.
Cumming, Paul
Overgaard, Agnete
Palner, Mikael
Funding for this research was provided by:
Det Frie Forskningsråd (5053-00036B)
Lundbeckfonden (R192-2015-1591)
Savværksejer Jeppe Juhls og Hustrus Ovita Juhls Mindelegat Købmand i Odense Johann og Hanne Weimann født Seedorffs Legat
Article History
Received: 30 December 2022
Revised: 12 September 2023
Accepted: 20 September 2023
First Online: 2 October 2023
Competing interests
: MP has an ongoing research collaboration with Compass Pathways LTD and holds stock in Compass Pathways LTD. AAJ is co-founder and co-owner of the company Lophora ApS. The other authors declare no competing interests.