Park, Sae-Geun
Jeong, Yong-Cheol
Kim, Dae-Gun
Lee, Min-Hyung
Shin, Anna
Park, Geunhong
Ryoo, Jia
Hong, Jiso
Bae, Seohui
Kim, Cheol-Hu
Lee, Phill-Seung
Kim, Daesoo
Article History
Received: 18 April 2017
Accepted: 9 December 2017
First Online: 29 January 2018
Change Date: 7 March 2018
Change Type: Correction
Change Details: In the version of this article initially published, a sentence in the fifth paragraph of the Results read, “Immunohistochemistry revealed that VGLUT2Superscript removedMPA neurons rarely expressed CaMKIIα, which is a putative marker for subcortical glutamatergic neurons.” It should have read, “Immunohistochemistry revealed that CaMKIIαSuperscript removedMPA neurons rarely expressed VGLUT2, which is a putative marker for subcortical glutamatergic neurons.” The error has been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article. In the supplementary information originally posted online, the wrong version of Supplementary Fig. 1 was posted and some of the supplementary videos were interchanged. In the corrected Supplementary Fig. 1, the top right subpanel was added and the original Supplementary Fig. 1a was divided into 1a and 1b, with subsequent panels incremented accordingly. The legend was changed from “a. Schematic illustrating electrical lesioning of the rat anterior hypothalamus. Electrical lesion areas (gray) in five representative brain sections are depicted. Scale bar, 1 mm” to “a. Repetitive electrical stimulations of the anterior hypothalamus using bipolar electrodes (Left) caused a lesion at the hypothalamic area (middle, marked by asterisk) successfully in 7 rats (Right, overlapped images of brain sections located from the bregma −0.24 mm). Scale bar, 1 mm.b. Electrical lesion areas (gray) in five representative brain sections from anterior to posterior are depicted.” The errors have been corrected online.
Competing interests
: The authors declare no competing financial interests.