Li, Lingling
Bannantine, John P.
Campo, Joseph J.
Randall, Arlo
Grohn, Yrjo T.
Schilling, Megan A.
Katani, Robab
Radzio-Basu, Jessica
Easterling, Laurel
Kapur, Vivek
Funding for this research was provided by:
United States Department of Agriculture | National Institute of Food and Agriculture (2015-67015-23177, 2015-67015-23177)
Article History
Received: 10 April 2019
Accepted: 7 November 2019
First Online: 26 November 2019
Competing interests
: L.L., J.P.B. and V.K. are listed as inventor(s) on an issued patent application mycobacterial diagnostics jointly owned by the University of Minnesota and the USDA and as such may be the beneficiaries of future royalties with the name and number: (“Mycobacterial diagnostics” U.S. Patent, 7,867,704 – January 11, 2011). Some of the technologies and proteins described may be considered for future patent applications by the Pennsylvania State University (L.L., V.K.); USDA-ARS (J.P.B.); Cornell University (Y.T.G.) and Antigen Discovery Inc (J.J.C.). Joseph J. Campo is employed by Antigen Discovery, Inc. There are no additional patents, products in development or marketed products to declare. This does not alter our adherence to all of the Frontiers policies on sharing data and materials as detailed in the guide for authors.