Pelton, Rylie E. O.
Kazanski, Clare E.
Keerthi, Shamitha
Racette, Kelly A.
Gennet, Sasha
Springer, Nathaniel
Yacobson, Eugene
Wironen, Michael
Ray, Deepak
Johnson, Kris
Schmitt, Jennifer
Funding for this research was provided by:
McDonald's Corporation
University of Minnesota, Institute on the Environment
The Nature Conservancy
Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (DSnew-0000000007)
Article History
Received: 22 May 2023
Accepted: 12 July 2024
First Online: 30 August 2024
Competing interests
: The authors declare the following competing interests: this work was initiated with funding from McDonald’s and supported further by the Walton Family Foundation. Authors affiliated with The Nature Conservancy (C.E.K., S.K., K.A.R., S.G., E.Y., M.W. and K.J.) and the Institute on the Environment (R.E.O.P., N.S., D.R. and J.S.) work with various companies in the beef industry. R.E.O.P. is the principal and founder of LEIF LLC, an LCA consulting firm working with companies across food and agriculture. These relationships could be perceived as potential competing interests.