Difford, Gareth F. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6792-8722
Horn, Siri S.
Dankel, Katinka R.
Ruyter, Bente
Dagnachew, Binyam S.
Hillestad, Borghild
Sonesson, Anna K.
Afseth, Nils K.
Funding for this research was provided by:
Norges Forskningsråd (244200)
Article History
Received: 5 August 2020
Accepted: 18 January 2021
First Online: 5 February 2021
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: The use of these production fish was performed in strict accordance with the Norwegian Animal Welfare Act of 19th of June 2009, in force from the 1st of January 2010. The study was based on <i>post</i>-<i>mortem</i> sampling of material from fish harvested from a commercial breeding program (SalmoBreed AS) for other purposes. The experimental plan was evaluated according to the Norwegian regulation for the use of animals in experiments (FOR-2015–06-18–761, Forskrift om bruk av dyr i forsøk). The regulation states that activities related to non-experimental aquaculture activities are exempt from the regulation and that it is legal to collect samples from animals <i>post</i>-<i>mortem</i> without a specific license. Thus, the samples used in this study were collected in accordance with the Norwegian legislation for animal experiments.
: Not applicable.
: The authors declare that Borghild Hillestad is currently employed by Benchmark Genetics Norway AS and that no conflicts of interest exist.