Chua, Winnie
Easter, Christina L.
Guasch, Eduard
Sitch, Alice
Casadei, Barbara
Crijns, Harry J. G. M.
Haase, Doreen
Hatem, Stéphane
Kääb, Stefan
Mont, Lluis
Schotten, Ulrich
Sinner, Moritz F.
Hemming, Karla
Deeks, Jonathan J.
Kirchhof, Paulus
Fabritz, Larissa
Funding for this research was provided by:
Horizon 2020 (633196)
BHF (FS/13/43/30324)
Article History
Received: 10 April 2019
Accepted: 10 May 2019
First Online: 21 May 2019
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: This analysis protocol is approved by the University of Birmingham, UK (ERN_15–0062), and complies with ethical requirements by the European Commission for projects funded by Horizon 2020. All institutional ethical and legal regulations and requirements applicable to individual studies were adhered to during the process of data compilation and biomarker quantification. The ethics committee waived the need for consent.
: Not applicable.
: BC, HJGMC, WC, CE, DH, KH, SH, EG, LM, SK, AS, MFS have nothing to disclose. JJD reports being an NIHR Senior Investigator Emeritus and is supported by the NIHR Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre at the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Birmingham. US is co-founder and shareholder of YourRhythmics BV, a spin-off company of the University Maastricht and received consultancy fees or honoraria from Roche Diagnostics (Switzerland) and Bayer Healthcare (Germany). PK has received support for research from the European Union, British Heart Foundation, Leducq Foundation, Medical Research Council (UK), and German Centre for Heart Research, from several drug and device companies active in atrial fibrillation, honoraria from several such companies; and is listed as inventor on two patents held by University of Birmingham (Atrial Fibrillation Therapy WO 2015140571, Markers for Atrial Fibrillation WO 2016012783). LF has received institutional research grants and non-financial support from European Union, British Heart Foundation, Medical Research Council (UK), and DFG and Gilead; and is listed as inventor on two patents held by University of Birmingham (Atrial Fibrillation Therapy WO 2015140571, Markers for Atrial Fibrillation WO 2016012783).
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